The RM3962 cooling unit will ship by FedEx Ground, but will be listed a Heavy over size.
All models in stock, ready to ship by UPS within 24 hours. Why wait weeks and weeks for your cooling unit order to be shipped. We warehouse all cooling units so they are ready to ship NOW!.
We have a $100.00 rebate refund program going on NOW!.
$100.00 factory refund rebate will be issued back to you after core is returned The reason for this program is to give a better cooling unit to our customers. The rebate refund is paid back to the customer within a few days after the core is returned and received. The core is returned using the prepaid shipping tag at no cost to you. The reason we have to do it this way is a better way to insure that we get a nice core back, in turn we can hold our prices down. We do a very high volume of Cooling Unit sells, as the Amish cooling units are becoming the cooling unit that everyone is looking for. The Amish only build with pride and a very high quality and workmanship.
All Cooling unit comes with Tube of Thermal Mastic cold Transfer Compound, spray foam sealer to make to the foam block when placed back air tight sealed, and foil back tape to give a nice finish look around the backer