NDR1282 cooling unit
The word about the replacement cooling units built by the Amish RV Refrigeration is traveling across the USA at a very fast pace. More and more RV'ers and RV Dealers now have found out about the cooling unit built by the Amish, built with tubing wall thickest 50% thicker, limitating all recall problems and boiler failures due to over heating. They also found out with the brand-new built units will give them 15 to 20 years of service, not the short life of a remanufactured cooling unit. Of course, the remanufactured cooling units are a lower price, but only have a life of about 2 to 3 years before the cooling unit fails again, plus all customers still have to have all recalls installed to prevent the fires that's are more common with the OEM use of thin tubing.
The Dometic NDR1282 aftermarket cooling units are now in stock, with more are in production. If you place an order today it will be a few days till shipped. . Special shipping price....Amish built Brand-new cooling units, ready to ship. Order yours today, void the rush. These Amish built cooling units for the Dometic's are completely redesigned. Save 1000's of dollars. Replace it yourself.
click the link below for the PDF file for install details:
All Cooling unit comes with Tube of Thermal Mastic cold Transfer Compound, spray foam sealer to make to the foam block when placed back air tight sealed, and foil back tape to give a nice finish look around the backer
Please note if your fridge is in a slide out, it’s required to have all air baffling removed from the top side vent and a slide out fan kit installed for proper ventilation and warranty purposes.
The Larger side by side cooling units can only be shipped by Truck Freight.
Great NEWS!!
Now From RV Cooling Unit Warehouse, the very high demand Dometic Brand-new Cooling units. We are the only source in the USA that offers the full line of cooling units built by the Amish RV Refrigeration Manufacturer.
These cooling units are completely re-designed to the Amish specs. Using some of the special Ammonia formulas and the larger tubing design that they have used in the remanufacturing of the Home refrigerator and Freezer line, after many many years of testing. Since they have the Home units to very high cooling performance needed for the Home units, they started to use the same specs for the RV refrigerators cooling unit coils.
The NDR1282 is not available in the re manufactured coils. The Amish say there are design problems not allowing for proper cleaning or flushing out all contamination of the inside coils before rebuilding. The Amish RV Refrigeration company will not do any remanufacturing of any side by side refrigerator because of the cleaning, flushing and the ability to confirm that all contamination was removed from the inner tubing. Only brand-new coils for the side by side Refrigerators. They use special formulas in the other re man and brand-new units we sell, but go a large step forward when they changed the design of the original Dometic Brand-new cooling units to give that extra cooling performance needed to give the long lasting cold during the hottest weather that RV's run in to. The old original Dometic design is good, but more for the short term use in moderate temp weather. If you have to replace the cooling unit WHY not replace it with the cooling unit that will give the cold that you are looking for.